My Pixel Paint

What is “pixel paint?” Quite simply it is painting pixels into an image using a pressure sensitive tablet. I like the Wacom tablet best. The stylus is pressure sensitive, and the Photoshop brush engine gives me hundreds of options for brush looks, color and texture. I used to use Corel Painter, but when Photoshop improved their software, I switched. Most of the painting I do integrates into the photograph, so you can’t tell where my painted effects are. The goal is to make an affective image. Pixel paint is a powerful tool for me.

In 2014 I used my compositing and pixel painting talents to create the “Drunk History” campaign for Comedy Central. We remade famous historical images as if history was a frat party. The series was a big hit and Comedy Central won the Promax Gold Award 2014.
Here is another composite and pixel paint visual for “Drunk History”
Pixel painting is more obvious in my remake of the famous “Uncle Sam” poster. See my process in the samples below this one:
Step one: I cut up and repositioned Uncle Sam’s body and head. I then photographed my hand and a drink.
The upper left image shows some of the brush styles I built to paint in the gaps and details I created; including the eye-wink, liquor splash and disheveled hair. The lower right image is the finished repainted poster.
Line drawing based on a photo.
A book cover image I created.
Another book cover challenge from the same publisher. I had a lot of fun with this one.